AutoNation Inc. is set to start five AutoNation-branded car auctions within two years and they expect to auction most of its wholesale vehicles. AutoNation, the country’s largest new-vehicle retailer, already has experience in the auction business. It has owned and operated Prime Auto Auction for more than 18 years in Los Angeles. That auction sells 25,000 vehicles annually. It was rebranded with the AutoNation name in October.
AutoNation, the nation’s biggest new-vehicle retailer, as of now has involvement in the auction business. It has possessed and worked Prime Auto Auction for over 18 years in Los Angeles. That auction offers 25,000 vehicles every year. It was rebranded with the AutoNation name in October. Notwithstanding the L.A. area, the organization’s auction expansion will begin with new areas in Orlando and Houston in the main quarter of 2017. One in Atlanta will open in the second 50% of the year. The area of the fifth site was not declared.
AutoNation hopes to offer more than 20,000 cars every year at each of its auction areas. Lewis Beshoff, who had been heading the Los Angeles auction, will be the organization’s senior chief of auction operations. The auction expansion is a piece of a $500 million brand-augmentation methodology declared in October. This program incorporates opening a network of AutoNation USA utilized vehicle stores, presenting AutoNation-branded parts and embellishments, and growing the organization’s impact business.
The AutoNation auctions will work to acquire new business from different retailers hoping to wholesale vehicles. The Los Angeles site is an impeccable case, Berman said. More than 60 percent of the vehicles that experience that area originate from outside gatherings, some even from other openly claimed retailers, he said. Just be sure to contact Thrifty Auto Shipping when you’re ready to ship your car when using this readily available new car auction option for your next auto purchase.