Believe it or not, Mark Fields, Ford’s CEO remembers being treated like a Neanderthal back in 2007 when he joined Bill Gates on stage at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to introduce the connected car. The show is known for cutting-edge phones and video games and at that time most insiders could not understand why a person who was known for being involved with just cars would be at a convention such as this. The answer is here and now because the upcoming show in January will feature cars with touchscreen dashboards and other components that are able to be controlled by smart-watches.
Fields is making a triumphant return as Ford’s CEO, where he’ll deliver a speech about the dawn of the connected-car era. “We’ve come a long way from a single auto on a carpet,” said Alan Hall, a Ford spokesman who manned that first basic booth. Other companies besides Ford will be exhibiting their new technologies at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show as well such as General Motors, Toyota, Mazda, BMW, Audi Hyundai and more.
If you’re one of the lucky ones to attend the upcoming convention and are inclined to buy a new car with the latest technologies; then make sure you use a reputable car shipping service such as Thrifty Auto Shipping Inc. to get it to its destination safely and securely.